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Welcome to the CoinAPI documentation section. This is the perfect destination to explore CoinAPI's API collection, which includes tutorials, an overview, features, use cases we cover, and much more. You've come to the perfect place whether you have questions or simply want to learn more. Our documentation area serves as a valuable resource for understanding our API and how to make the most of its features.

What is CoinAPI?

CoinAPI is a collection of cryptocurrency APIs that allows users to get the most out of cryptocurrency data. CoinAPI creates the most accessible and developer-friendly APIs for the world's software developers, analysts, and fintech-driven companies.

CoinAPI streamlines crypto operations, trading, and data access on a large scale. It is the most popular option on the market due to its extensive documentation, minimal latency, simple integration, developer assistance, and SDK in a variety of languages. CoinAPI was created to make the crypto experience simpler for crypto developers, traders, and any other individuals invested in the crypto space. Customers choose CoinAPI because of our 5 years of proven experience, reliable and verified platform, service functions, and the highest frequency and aggregated data.

Our mission

CoinAPI's goal is to provide all necessary APIs in one place. It eliminates the need to choose between various market vendors, making it easier for crypto users to access the data and tools they need for their use cases. Furthermore, CoinAPI helps users save time and resources, giving them more opportunities to use crypto APIs effectively. By providing a one-stop shop for all cryptocurrency needs, CoinAPI is making it easier than ever to unlock the full potential of digital currencies.

CoinAPI product portfolio

CoinAPI's product portfolio includes Market data API, EMS trading API, and CryptoTick, a pay-per-service platform that is handy for researchers who are not very familiar with APIs.

  • Market data API - CoinAPI is collecting an extensive amount of market data points, enabling users to gain useful insights. Our crypto raw data can be accessed by both individuals and businesses, allowing them to create innovative services. Thanks to CoinAPI, customers can access a wide variety of cryptocurrency historical and real-time data with ease. Many customers have expressed their appreciation for our services, calling it "never easier to organize and analyze the data." We guarantee reliable access to all sorts of cryptocurrency data.
  • EMS Trading API - EMS Trading API makes it possible for clients to access multiple cryptocurrency exchanges from a single account, providing the most advantageous prices available, enabling trading operations, and recording the history of those operations. The API connects to exchanges and executes orders, either through REST or WebSocket API.
  • CryptoTick - CryptoTick offers a "pay as you go" service, where customers pay for the exact usage of the service rather than a subscription. Customers can pre-purchase a certain amount of units and can use the service until their balance runs out, after which they can top up again. CryptoTick does not have an application programming interface (API), which allows applications to integrate. Instead, customers can go directly to the site to get the requested information; they just need to specify what they require, and the data will then be provided to them in the CSV format. This format ensures efficient storage and easy accessibility of the data. Therefore, CryptoTick is an ideal solution for customers needing historical data, as it is a user interface and not an application.

Why choose CoinAPI?

CoinAPI provides a complete toolkit for your cryptocurrency assets:

  • API access to real-time and historical market data. CoinAPI gives access to both historical and current market information. It supplies customers with the most current quotes and trades and presents them in real time, allowing them to incorporate the data into crypto projects.
  • Low latency & quick response rate - our system is designed to process and deliver data with sub-millisecond accuracy, ensuring that you receive the most up-to-date information as quickly as possible. We have a fully managed and secure network connection with high-speed connectivity. This is specifically designed for price discovery and ensures that data is transferred quickly and efficiently.
  • High quality & superior accuracy - we support non-standard items, including unusual order types of exchanges, along with all their functionality. This means that we can provide you with a wide range of data, ensuring that you have all the information you need to make informed decisions. Moreover, in CoinAPI, you obtain data from different exchanges in a standardized form, so you can compare them easily. Last but not least, we ensure accurate information by having human experts double-check all stock symbols and asset codes. This means that the data you receive from us is not only fast but also reliable and accurate.
  • Every interface you need. We deliver three different protocols: REST, FIX, and WebSocket, so you don’t need to worry about what interface each exchange has, and what it supports.
  • CoinAPI boasts a wide-reaching integration with 350 exchanges (and growing), enabling users to access comprehensive data such as order books, transactions, quotes, and metadata. Furthermore, our platform aggregates this information to generate metrics and metadata from different exchanges and interprets the data to create an understanding of it across exchanges. Additionally, we archive all the data to provide our users with access to historical figures and numbers.
  • Redundancy. It's important to consider redundancy when selecting a dependable API partner, to make sure they provide server redundancy. This means that customers can access their nearest region by default, and in the case of any issues, a fallback region is automatically and immediately available
  • Developer-friendly interfaces. SDK in 40 languages. CoinAPI has you covered with multi-language SDKs and great documentation tailored to every endpoint. Our Software Development Kit (SDK) is available on GitHub at
  • Create multiple API Keys for the subscription to create a virtual space used to safely test, train, and experiment with changes or configurations to a system. It allows users to replicate their production environment and make modifications without the risk of disrupting their current operations. This is an invaluable tool for exploring new features and troubleshooting potential issues.
  • Data standardization. By standardizing data collection via CoinAPI, you are one step closer to having a complete and clean crypto data view that you can use.
  • Order books of the highest quality. We offer detailed, real-time data on cryptocurrency buy and sell orders, including price levels, order counts, types, and timestamps, sourced from multiple exchanges for a broad market view. Such data helps you make informed trading decisions.
  • OHLCV data. With CoinAPI you can retrieve Open, High, Low, Close, and Volume (OHLCV) data, historical quotes, and historical trades. You can easily specify the type of data you want to retrieve using query parameters.

Companies can gain a range of advantages from CoinAPI, such as gaining essential information, straightforward integration, and automation. Clients can get all of their crypto APIs in one place, which makes it easier to manage large-scale crypto operations, trading, and data access.

Still uncertain about how CoinAPI can help your business? Try out your use case and find out if CoinAPI meets your requirements. You can get your free API key here.


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