OHLCV Aggregation using the REST API
When querying OHLCV data, how can I filter by specific coins under a specific exchange(s) using 1 Rest API request (like you can in Metadata)?
When querying OHLCV data, how can I filter by an exchange(s) and get all the OHLCV data for the particular timeframe (example 1MIN)?
You need to execute a query against each symbol of the specific exchange separately.
If you need bulk load historical data then flat files are usually the better option than API access which works good for application integrations or adding real-time data into already acquired historical flat files. In the flat files, we are providing all the symbols across all exchanges in the single file. Our flat files can be acquired through (www.cryptotick.com) website.
Sample file: (https://s3.amazonaws.com/coinapi-samples/ohlcv_active_consolidated/20171203/1HRS.csv.gz)
Documentation: (https://www.cryptotick.com/Faq)