Should we file a ticket every time?
Your company should file a ticket every time there is a problem.
Our current agreement does not include the SLA on the Service, just the SLA on the Support. In this case when you file a ticket then you have a guarantee that we are working on that, lack of SLA on the Service means that we do not know what is important for your company and does not monitor and are accountable on those specific things as we even not defined them. We have customers where we measure every specific metrics about the feed and because of that knowledge we made architectural decisions to minimize the possibility of breaching this specific SLA, but for other customers they are irrelevant.
We are of course monitoring the infrastructure continuously and acting upon issues. We always seeking to optimize processes, because of that we usually not have repeating issues. The same was for this case, actually, there was a data but updated at a lower frequency. We will of course analyze this internally outside this case and seek possible improvement in this area by extending the monitoring set up to include that kind of failures if that will be reasonable.