What market symbol types are supported by CoinAPI?
Type | Name | Description |
SPOT | FX Spot | Agreement to exchange one asset for another one (e.g. Buy BTC for USD) |
FUTURES | Futures contract | FX Spot derivative contract where traders agree to trade fx spot at predetermined future time |
OPTION | Option contract | FX Spot derivative contract where traders agree to trade right to require buy or sell of fx spot at agreed price on exercise date |
PERPETUAL | Perpetual contract | FX Spot derivative contract where traders agree to trade fx spot continously without predetermined future delivery time |
INDEX | Index | Statistical composite that measures changes in the economy or markets. |
CREDIT | Credit/Funding | Margin funding contract. Order book displays lending offers and borrow bids. Price represents the daily rate. |
CONTRACT | Contract | Represents other types of financial instruments(e.g. spreads, interest rate swap) |
Our symbols identifiers are created using a pattern that depends on the symbol type:
Type | symbol_id pattern |
SPOT | {exchange_id}_SPOT_{asset_id_base}_{asset_id_quote} |
FUTURES | {exchange_id}_FTS_{asset_id_base}_{asset_id_quote}_{YYMMDD of future_delivery_time} |
OPTION | {exchange_id}_OPT_{asset_id_base}_{asset_id_quote}_{YYMMDD of option_expiration_time}_{option_strike_price}_{option_type_is_call as C/P} |
PERPETUAL | {exchange_id}_PERP_{asset_id_base}_{asset_id_quote} |
INDEX | {exchange_id}_IDX_{index_id} |
CREDIT | {exchange_id}_CRE_{asset_id_base} |
CONTRACT | {exchange_id}_COT_{contract_id} |
To get a list of all symbols, you can use this request: https://rest.coinapi.io/v1/symbols
To see a list of symbols related to a specific exchange, market, or asset, please see this article: https://docs.coinapi.io/faq/api/How-can-I-see-a-list-of-symbols-related-to-a-specific-exchange-market-or-asset
For more information, please see our documentation: https://docs.coinapi.io/market-data/rest-api/metadata#symbol-identifier
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