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This section will provide necessary documentation for the FIX protocol messages.

New Order Single 35=D

FIX Field NameWebSocket Field NameDescription
ClOrdIDclient_order_idThe unique identifier of the order assigned by the client.
ClOrdLinkIDclient_order_idThe same value as for ClOrdID.
ExDestinationexchange_idExchange identifier used to identify the routing destination.
SecurityIDsymbol_coinapi or
CoinAPI or Exchange symbol, depends on the value of SecurityIDSource <22> type
SecurityIDSourceN/AIdentifies source of the SecurityID <48> value. 8 = EXCHANGE, 101 = COINAPI
SymbolThe same value as for SecurityID.
TransactTimeN/ATime this order request was initiated/released by the trader, trading system, or intermediary.
OrdTypeorder_typeOrder types are documented in the separate section: EMS / Starter Guide / Order parameters / Order type
SidesideSide of order.
PricepriceOrder price.
OrderQtyamount_orderOrder quantity.
TimeInForcetime_in_forceOrder time in force options are documented in the separate section: EMS / Starter Guide / Order parameters / Time in force
ExpireTimeexpire_timeExpiration time. Conditionaly required if TimeInForce <59> = GTD
ExecInstexec_instOrder execution instructions are documented in the separate section: EMS / Starter Guide / Order parameters / Execution instructions

Order Cancel Request 35=F

FIX Field NameWebSocket Field NameDescription
ClOrdIDN/AUnique ID of cancel request as assigned by the client.
OrigClOrdIDclient_order_idThe unique identifier of the order assigned by the client. One of the properties (OrigClOrdID, OrderID) is required to identify the order.
OrderIDexchange_order_idUnique identifier of the order assigned by the exchange or executing system. One of the properties (OrigClOrdID, OrderID) is required to identify the order.
SecurityExchangeexchange_idExchange identifier used to identify the routing destination.
TransactTimeN/ATime this order request was initiated/released by the trader, trading system, or intermediary.
SideN/AThis value is ignored.
SymbolN/AThis value is ignored.

Order Mass Cancel Request 35=q

FIX Field NameWebSocket Field NameDescription
ClOrdIDN/AUnique ID of Order Mass Cancel Request <q> as assigned by the client.
MassCancelRequestTypeN/A7 = Cancel all orders
SecurityExchangeexchange_idExchange identifier used to identify routing destination.

Execution Report 35=8

FIX Field NameWebSocket Field NameDescription
OrderIDclient_order_idUnique identifier of the order as assigned by client.
SecondaryOrderIDexchange_order_idUnique identifier of the order assigned by the exchange or executing system.
ExecIDN/AUnique identifier of execution message as assigned by sell-side.
ExecTypeN/AI = Order Status. Describes the purpose of the execution report.
OrdStatusstatusOrder statuses and the lifecycle are documented in the separate section: EMS / Starter Guide / Order Lifecycle
SecurityIDsymbol_coinapi or
CoinAPI or Exchange symbol, depends on the value of SecurityIDSource <22> type
SecurityIDSourceN/AIdentifies source of the SecurityID <48> value. 8 = EXCHANGE, 101 = COINAPI
SymbolThe same value as for SecurityID.
SecurityExchangeexchange_idExchange identifier used to identify the routing destination.
SidesideSide of order.
OrderQtyamount_orderQuantity ordered.
CumQtyamount_filledTotal quantity filled.
LeavesQtyamount_openQuantity open for further execution. LeavesQty <151> = OrderQty <38> - CumQty <14>.