Timeseries periods
You can also obtain historical exchange rates of any asset pair, grouped into time periods. Get full list of supported time periods available for requesting exchange rates historical timeseries data.
Timeseries periods
Time unit | Period identifiers |
Second | 1SEC, 2SEC, 3SEC, 4SEC, 5SEC, 6SEC, 10SEC, 15SEC, 20SEC, 30SEC |
Minute | 1MIN, 2MIN, 3MIN, 4MIN, 5MIN, 6MIN, 10MIN, 15MIN, 20MIN, 30MIN |
Hour | 1HRS, 2HRS, 3HRS, 4HRS, 6HRS, 8HRS, 12HRS |
Day | 1DAY, 2DAY, 3DAY, 5DAY, 7DAY, 10DAY |
- 200
successful operation
- text/plain
- application/json
- text/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- Example response
Array [
period_id stringnullable
The period ID.
length_seconds int32
The length of the period in seconds.
length_months int32
The length of the period in months.
unit_count int32nullable
The unit count.
unit_name stringnullable
The unit name.
display_name stringnullable
The display name of the timeseries period.
"period_id": "string",
"length_seconds": 0,
"length_months": 0,
"unit_count": 0,
"unit_name": "string",
"display_name": "string"
"period_id": "1SEC",
"length_seconds": 1,
"length_months": 0,
"unit_count": 1,
"unit_name": "second",
"display_name": "1 Second"
"period_id": "30MIN",
"length_seconds": 1800,
"length_months": 0,
"unit_count": 30,
"unit_name": "minute",
"display_name": "30 Minutes"
"period_id": "10DAY",
"length_seconds": 864000,
"length_months": 0,
"unit_count": 10,
"unit_name": "day",
"display_name": "10 Days"
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- Example response
Array [
period_id stringnullable
The period ID.
length_seconds int32
The length of the period in seconds.
length_months int32
The length of the period in months.
unit_count int32nullable
The unit count.
unit_name stringnullable
The unit name.
display_name stringnullable
The display name of the timeseries period.
"period_id": "string",
"length_seconds": 0,
"length_months": 0,
"unit_count": 0,
"unit_name": "string",
"display_name": "string"
"period_id": "1SEC",
"length_seconds": 1,
"length_months": 0,
"unit_count": 1,
"unit_name": "second",
"display_name": "1 Second"
"period_id": "30MIN",
"length_seconds": 1800,
"length_months": 0,
"unit_count": 30,
"unit_name": "minute",
"display_name": "30 Minutes"
"period_id": "10DAY",
"length_seconds": 864000,
"length_months": 0,
"unit_count": 10,
"unit_name": "day",
"display_name": "10 Days"
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- Example response
Array [
period_id stringnullable
The period ID.
length_seconds int32
The length of the period in seconds.
length_months int32
The length of the period in months.
unit_count int32nullable
The unit count.
unit_name stringnullable
The unit name.
display_name stringnullable
The display name of the timeseries period.
"period_id": "string",
"length_seconds": 0,
"length_months": 0,
"unit_count": 0,
"unit_name": "string",
"display_name": "string"
"period_id": "1SEC",
"length_seconds": 1,
"length_months": 0,
"unit_count": 1,
"unit_name": "second",
"display_name": "1 Second"
"period_id": "30MIN",
"length_seconds": 1800,
"length_months": 0,
"unit_count": 30,
"unit_name": "minute",
"display_name": "30 Minutes"
"period_id": "10DAY",
"length_seconds": 864000,
"length_months": 0,
"unit_count": 10,
"unit_name": "day",
"display_name": "10 Days"
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