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What market symbol types are supported by CoinAPI?

SPOTFX SpotAgreement to exchange one asset for another one (e.g. Buy BTC for USD)
FUTURESFutures contractFX Spot derivative contract where traders agree to trade fx spot at predetermined future time
OPTIONOption contractFX Spot derivative contract where traders agree to trade right to require buy or sell of fx spot at agreed price on exercise date
PERPETUALPerpetual contractFX Spot derivative contract where traders agree to trade fx spot continously without predetermined future delivery time
INDEXIndexStatistical composite that measures changes in the economy or markets.
CREDITCredit/FundingMargin funding contract. Order book displays lending offers and borrow bids. Price represents the daily rate.
CONTRACTContractRepresents other types of financial instruments(e.g. spreads, interest rate swap)

Our symbols identifiers are created using a pattern that depends on the symbol type:

Typesymbol_id pattern
FUTURES{exchange_id}_FTS_{asset_id_base}_{asset_id_quote}_{YYMMDD of future_delivery_time}
OPTION{exchange_id}_OPT_{asset_id_base}_{asset_id_quote}_{YYMMDD of option_expiration_time}_{option_strike_price}_{option_type_is_call as C/P}

To get a list of all symbols, you can use this request: 

To see a list of symbols related to a specific exchange, market, or asset, please see this article:

For more information, please see our documentation: