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Data Quality Controls

To maintain the highest standards of data integrity, CoinAPI algorithms of index calculation, implements a multi-layered approach to data quality control:

  1. Real-time Validation: Continuous checks on incoming data are performed, flagging anomalies such as extreme price movements or abnormal trading patterns.
  2. Cross-exchange Verification: data across multiple exchanges are compared to identify and investigate any significant discrepancies.
  3. Volume Spike Analysis: Sudden, unusual spikes in trading volume are scrutinized to ensure they reflect genuine market activity.
  4. Latency Monitoring: data feed latencies are monitored to ensure timely and accurate index calculations.
  5. Outlier Detection: Advanced statistical methods are employed to detect and handle outliers in price and volume data.

Complementary, we also take manual actions to ensure the highest data quality:

  1. Manual Oversight: Our data quality team provides human oversight, investigating issues and making informed decisions.
  2. Historical Data Audits: when needed, historical data audits are conducted to identify and correct any retroactive data issues.