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PRIMKT Index Methodology

This article provides comprehensive information on the calculation methodology for our PRIMKT (Principal Market Price) indexes. It offers a detailed explanation of how CoinAPI PRIMKT Indexes are calculated, which can be valuable for understanding the process and verifying index value accuracy.

Data Inputs

Exchange Selection

The index considers data from the following exchanges:

  • Binance
  • Bitstamp
  • Bitfinex
  • Bybit Spot
  • Coinbase
  • Deribit
  • Gemini
  • Kraken
  • KuCoin
  • OKEx
  • Upbit

Symbol Selection

Only SPOT trading pairs from the selected exchanges are considered for index calculation.

Time Periods

Two key time periods are used in the calculation:

  1. Activity Period: Ends at the index calculation time and spans the last 15 minutes.
  2. Lookup Period: Ends at the index calculation time and spans the last 60 minutes.

Calculation Methodology

  1. Exchange Filtering: Exchanges without any trades in the Activity Period are excluded.

  2. Data Collection: For each eligible symbol, volume and last price data are collected from the remaining exchanges over the Lookup Period.

  3. Principal Market Determination: For each symbol, the exchange with the highest trading volume is designated as the principal market.

  4. Index Value Calculation: The index value for each symbol is set to the last traded price on its principal market during the Lookup Period.

Index Outputs

Index Codes

Index values are created with the following format: {IndexDefinitionCode}_{BaseAssetId}_{QuoteAssetId}


Each index includes the following component:

  • PRINCIPAL_MARKET_VOLUME_PERCENTAGE_{ExchangeIdBeingPrincipalMarket}: Represents the percentage of total volume from the principal market.

Note: Component data is only available for index values calculated within the last 7 days.


The index is calculated in real-time, providing up-to-date pricing information for supported digital assets.

Please note that for real-time scenarios, we highly encourage you to use our WebSocket Index API. This API provides continuous, low-latency updates, ensuring you receive the most up-to-date index values as they are calculated. For more information on how to connect and use the WebSocket API, please refer to our WebSocket Index API documentation.