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Get all current rates

GET /v1/exchangerate/:asset_id_base

Get the current exchange rate between requested asset and all other assets.


If you are using an exchange rate for mission-critical operations, then for best reliability, you should measure the difference between current time and the time returned from the response to ensure that value of the difference between those meets your internal requirements.


You can invert the rates by using Y = 1 / X equation, for example BTC/USD = 1 / (USD/BTC);

Path Parameters
  • asset_id_base string required

    Requested exchange rates base asset identifier (from the Metadata -> Assets)

Query Parameters
  • filter_asset_id string

    Comma or semicolon delimited asset identifiers used to filter response (optional)

  • invert boolean

    True will invert all the rates (optional, if true then rates will be calculated as rate = 1 / actual_rate eg. USD/BTC as BTC/USD)

  • time string

    Time for historical rates (optional)


successful operation

  • asset_id_base string nullable

    Gets or sets the base asset ID.

  • rates object[] nullable

    Gets or sets the list of exchange rates.

  • Array [
  • time date-time

    Gets or sets the time of the exchange rate.

  • asset_id_quote string nullable

    Gets or sets the quote asset ID of the exchange rate.

  • rate double

    Gets or sets the exchange rate value.

  • ]