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Historical data by exchange

GET /v1/ohlcv/exchanges/:exchange_id/history

Get OHLCV timeseries data returned in time ascending order. Data can be requested by the period and for the specific exchange eg BITSTAMP


The OHLCV Historical endpoint data can be delayed a few seconds. The difference between time_end and time_start cannot be higher than 1 day. The period_id cannot be higher than 1DAY.

Path Parameters
  • exchange_id string required

    Exchange identifier of requested timeseries (from the Metadata -> Exchanges)

Query Parameters
  • period_id string required

    Identifier of requested timeseries period (e.g. 5SEC or 1DAY)

  • time_start string required

    Timeseries starting time in ISO 8601

  • time_end string required

    Timeseries ending time in ISO 8601


successful operation

  • Array [
  • time_period_start date-time

    The start time of the time period.

  • time_period_end date-time

    The end time of the time period.

  • time_open date-time nullable

    The time when the price opened.

  • time_close date-time nullable

    The time when the price closed.

  • price_open double nullable

    The opening price.

  • price_high double nullable

    The highest price during the time period.

  • price_low double nullable

    The lowest price during the time period.

  • price_close double nullable

    The closing price.

  • volume_traded double

    The total volume traded during the time period.

  • trades_count int64

    The number of trades executed during the time period.

  • symbol_id_exchange string nullable
  • symbol_id_coinapi string nullable
  • ]