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List all exchanges



Get a detailed list of exchanges provided by the system.


Properties of the output are providing aggregated information from across all symbols related to the specific exchange. If you need to calculate your aggregation (e.g., limiting only the particular type of symbols), you should use /v1/symbols endpoint as a data source.


Query Parameters

    filter_exchange_id string

    Comma or semicolon delimited exchange identifiers used to filter response. (optional, eg. BITSTAMP;GEMINI)


successful operation


  • Array [

  • exchange_id stringnullable

    Gets or sets the exchange ID.

    website stringnullable

    Gets or sets the website URL of the exchange.

    name stringnullable

    Gets or sets the name of the exchange.

    data_start stringnullable

    Gets the start date of the exchange's data.

    data_end stringnullable

    Gets the end date of the exchange's data.

    data_quote_start date-timenullable

    Gets or sets the start date of quote data.

    data_quote_end date-timenullable

    Gets or sets the end date of quote data.

    data_orderbook_start date-timenullable

    Gets or sets the start date of order book data.

    data_orderbook_end date-timenullable

    Gets or sets the end date of order book data.

    data_trade_start date-timenullable

    Gets or sets the start date of trade data.

    data_trade_end date-timenullable

    Gets or sets the end date of trade data.

    data_trade_count int64nullable

    Gets or sets the number of trades.

    data_symbols_count int64nullable

    Gets or sets the number of symbols.

  • ]
