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Timeseries Index Value



Timeseries Index Value


Path Parameters

    index_id stringrequired

Query Parameters

    period_id stringrequired

    Identifier of requested timeseries period (e.g. 5SEC or 1DAY)

    time_start stringrequired

    Timeseries starting time in ISO 8601

    time_end stringrequired

    Timeseries ending time in ISO 8601

    limit int32

    Default value: 100

    Amount of items to return (optional, mininum is 1, maximum is 100000, default value is 100, if the parameter is used then every 100 output items are counted as one request)


successful operation


  • Array [

  • time_period_start date-time

    Gets or sets the start time of the time period.

    time_period_end date-time

    Gets or sets the end time of the time period.

    time_open date-timenullable

    Gets or sets the time when the value opened.

    time_close date-timenullable

    Gets or sets the time when the value closed.

    value_open doublenullable

    Gets or sets the opening value.

    value_high doublenullable

    Gets or sets the highest value during the time period.

    value_low doublenullable

    Gets or sets the lowest value during the time period.

    value_close doublenullable

    Gets or sets the closing value.

    value_count int64

    Gets or sets the number of values during the time period.

  • ]
