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All FIX messages are equipped with Standard Header and Trailer, below we will describe what is required in them in accordance with FIX 4.4, the standard that we use.

Standard Header

9BodyLengthMessage length, in bytes, forward to the CheckSum <10> field
35MsgTypeDefines message type
49SenderCompIDAssigned value used to identify message sender
56TargetCompIDAssigned value used to identify message receiver
34MsgSeqNumInteger message sequence number. Reset on Logon, Logout and Disconnect.
52SendingTimeTime of message transmission always expressed in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated, also known as "GMT")

Standard Trailer

10CheckSumThree byte, simple checksum. Always the last field in a message, i.e. serves, with the trailing, as the end-of-message delimiter. Always defined as three characters

Logon 35=A


First message sent by the client to CoinAPI FIX Gateway after connection to initiate a FIX session. After successful authorization, server will respond with same message type and start delivering market data messages to you.

49SenderCompIDYour API key
108HeartBtInt1 (seconds)

Logout 35x5

Message sent by any side to close established session. If received, should be sent back unchanged to confirm session termination.

Security List Request 35=x

Security List Request message is used to request full symbol list or narrowed to specific criteria.

Message to request all symbols:

320SecurityReqIDUnique ID of your request, used to link Security List (y) message to the request.
559SecurityListRequestType4 = Request all symbols.

Message to request all symbols where our symbol identifier starts with specific string eg. all securities from BITSTAMP exchange to USD.

320SecurityReqIDUnique ID of your request, used to link Security List (y) message to the request.
559SecurityListRequestType0 = Filter symbols by Symbol (55) or SecurityExchange (207) fields.
55SymbolExact match or regex for the symbol identifier filtering, eg. ^BITSTAMP_(.*)_USD$ or BITSTAMP_SPOT_BTC_USD, have in mind that regex is enabled only if value string starts with ^ or/and ends with $.

Message to request all symbols from specific exchange eg. GEMINI.

320SecurityReqIDUnique ID of your request, used to link Security List (y) message to the request.
559SecurityListRequestType0 = Filter symbols by Symbol (55) or SecurityExchange (207) fields.
207SecurityExchangeExchange identifier used to filter the symbols

Security List 35=y

Response to the Security List Request (x) message.

320SecurityReqIDSecurityReqID (320) from Security List Request (x) message.
322SecurityResponseIDUnique ID of the response message.
560SecurityRequestResultResult of the Security List Request.

Valid values:
  • 0 = Valid request.
  • 1 = Response is empty. We couldn't find any symbols matching selection criteria.
  • 4 = Data temportantly unavailable. Reserved for unlikely event of issue beyond the client control.
393TotNoRelatedSymTotal number of symbols in the response.
898LastFragmentIndicates if this is a last message
146NoRelatedSymSpecifies the number of repeating symbols (instruments) specified.
=> 55SymbolOur Symbol identifier (full list available here)
=> 207SecurityExchangeOur exchange identifier, eg. BITSTAMP. (full list available here)

Market Data Request 35=V

Market Data Request (V) message is used to request market data.

262MDReqIdMust be unique, or the ID of previous Market Data Request (V) to disable if SubscriptionRequestType (263) = Disable previous Snapshot + Updates Request.
263SubscriptionRequestTypeSubcriptionRequestType indicates what type of response is expected. A snapshot request only asks for current information. A subscribe request asks for updates as the status changes. Unsubscribe will cancel any future update messages.

Valid values:
  • 0 = Snapshot. We will deliver only one order book snapshot per symbol requested.
  • 1 = Snapshot + Updates (Subscribe). We will deliver the initial snapshot per order book requested and then updates for the order book and trades.
  • 2 = Disable previous Snapshot + Update Request (Unsubscribe).
264MarketDepthDepth of market for Book Snapshot, value ignored for trades.

Valid values:
  • 0 = Full book
  • 1 = Quotes
  • Other value indicating snapshot limited to provided number of best levels. Use the 0 for the trades as value is required.
265MDUpdateTypeRequired if SubscriptionRequestType (263) = Snapshot + Updates (1) and apply only for the orderbook data.

Valid values:
  • 0 = Full refresh (Instead of the updates for the order book, each time the snapshot will be delivered. MDMarketDepth need to be in range of <1;20>)
  • 1 = Incremental Refresh (MDMarketDepth must be 0 as incremential refresh is possible only for the full order book, for other use-cases you should set MDUpdateType to 0 (Full Refresh))
267NoMDEntryTypesNumber of MDEntryType (269) fields requested.
=> 269MDEntryTypeThis is a list of all the types of Market Data Type requested.

Valid values:
  • 0 = Orderbook bids
  • 1 = Orderbook asks
  • 2 = Trades
Only possible combinations here are 012 (Orderbook and Trades), 01 (Orderbook) and 2 (Trades), the client is not allowed to ask only for the one-side of the book.
146NoRelatedSymNumber of symbols (instruments) requested.
=> 55SymbolExact match or regex for the symbol identifier filtering, eg. ^BITSTAMP_(.*)_USD$ or BITSTAMP_SPOT_BTC_USD, have in mind that regex is enabled only if value string starts with ^ or/and ends with $.

Market Data Request Reject 35=Y

Market Data Request Reject (Y) message is used to reject the request for the market data.

262MDReqIdMDReqId (262) from Market Data Request (V) message.
281MDReqRejReasonReason for the rejection of a Market Data request.

Valid values:
  • 0 = Unknown symbol.
  • 4 = Unsupported SubscriptionRequestType (263)
  • 5 = Unsupported MarketDepth (264)
  • 8 = Unsupported MDEntryType (269)
58TextError message

Market Data Incremental 35=X

Market Data - Incremental Refresh (X) message, representing new executed transaction or orderbook update.

262MDReqIdMDReqId (262) from Market Data Request (V) message. Used to link request to the Market Data, eg. with your internal identifier.
268NoMdEntriesNumber of trades in the message
=> 279MDUpdateActionType of Market Data update action.

Valid values:
  • 0 = New. Used for the trades.
  • 1 = Change. Used for all changes of the order book.
=> 269MDEntryTypeType of Market Data entry.

Valid values:
  • 0 = Bids
  • 1 = Ask/Offer
  • 2 = Trades
=> 278MDEntryIDOur unique trade identifier in the form of UUIDv4
=> 55SymbolOur Symbol identifier (full list available here)
=> 270MDEntryPxEntry price
=> 271MDEntrySizeEntry size in base amount
=> 272MDEntryDateDate of the entry reported by the exchange
=> 273MDEntryTimeTime of the entry reported by the exchange with milliseconds
=> 282MDEntryOriginatorUsed only when MDEntryType (269) is Trade. Aggressor side of the transaction. (BUY/SELL/BUY_ESTIMATED/SELL_ESTIMATED/UNKNOWN)

Possible MDEntryOriginator values

If exchange has not reported who the aggressor side of the transaction was, we will classNameify who it most probably was based on current market view.

BUYExchange has reported that transaction aggressor was buying
SELLExchange has reported that transaction aggressor was selling
BUY_ESTIMATEDExchange has not reported transaction aggressor, we estimated that more likely it was buying
SELL_ESTIMATEDExchange has not reported transaction aggressor, we estimated that more likely it was selling
UNKNOWNExchange has not reported transaction aggressor and we have not estimated who it was

To classNameify who the aggressor of the transaction was, we using a proprietary algorithm that extends the method described in the paper "Inferring trade direction from intraday data (1991) by Lee and Ready"

Market Data Snapshot 35=W

Market Data - Snapshot/Full Refresh (W) message, representing orderbook snapshot.

public void OnMessage(QuickFix.FIX44.MarketDataSnapshotFullRefresh msg, SessionID s)
for (int idx = 0; idx < msg.NoMDEntries.getValue(); idx++)
var level = new QuickFix.FIX44.MarketDataSnapshotFullRefresh.NoMDEntriesGroup();
msg.GetGroup(idx + 1, level);

Console.WriteLine($"Orderbook {level.MDEntryType} @ {msg.Symbol}:");
Console.WriteLine($" Date: {level.MDEntryDate}");
Console.WriteLine($" Time: {level.MDEntryTime}");
Console.WriteLine($" Px: {level.MDEntryPx}");
Console.WriteLine($" Size: {level.MDEntrySize}");
55SymbolOur Symbol identifier (full list available here)
262MDReqIdMDReqId (262) from Market Data Request (V) message. Used to link request to the Market Data, eg. with your internal identifier.
268NoMdEntriesNumber of levels in the orderbook.
=> 269MDEntryTypeType Market Data entry.

Valid values:
  • 0 = Bid
  • 1 = Ask/Offer
=> 270MDEntryPxPrice level of the orderbook level
=> 271MDEntrySizeVolume resting on this orderbook level
=> 272MDEntryDateDate of the orderbook reported by the exchange
=> 273MDEntryTimeTime of the orderbook reported by the exchange with milliseconds

Heartbeat 35=0


Message sent by any side after defined amount of seconds in communication silence.