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List all periods



Get full list of supported time periods available for requesting OHLCV timeseries data.

Available periods

Time unitPeriod identifiers
Second1SEC, 2SEC, 3SEC, 4SEC, 5SEC, 6SEC, 10SEC, 15SEC, 20SEC, 30SEC
Minute1MIN, 2MIN, 3MIN, 4MIN, 5MIN, 6MIN, 10MIN, 15MIN, 20MIN, 30MIN
Hour1HRS, 2HRS, 3HRS, 4HRS, 6HRS, 8HRS, 12HRS
Day1DAY, 2DAY, 3DAY, 5DAY, 7DAY, 10DAY
Month1MTH, 2MTH, 3MTH, 4MTH, 6MTH
Year1YRS, 2YRS, 3YRS, 4YRS, 5YRS

You can assume that we will not remove any periods from this response, however, we may add new ones.


successful operation


  • Array [

  • period_id stringnullable

    The period ID.

    length_seconds int32

    The length of the period in seconds.

    length_months int32

    The length of the period in months.

    unit_count int32nullable

    The unit count.

    unit_name stringnullable

    The unit name.

    display_name stringnullable

    The display name of the timeseries period.

  • ]
