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wget --no-check-certificate --quiet \
--method POST \
--timeout=0 \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'X-CoinAPI-Key: 73034021-THIS-IS-SAMPLE-KEY"' \
--body-data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"getreceivedbylabel","params": [ ]}' \


The 'getreceivedbylabel' method allows you to retrieve the total amount received by addresses associated with a specific label in transactions with at least a specified number of confirmations.


Get specific rate GET

Request Parameters

  • label (string, required): The label you want to query. It could be the default label using an empty string (“”).
  • minconf (numeric, optional, default=1): The minimum number of confirmations a transaction needs to have to be included in the response. The default value is 1.


"n": "numeric",
"description": "The total amount in BTC received for this label."