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The 'help' method allows you to list all available commands or get detailed help on a specified command in the CoinAPI Bitcoin API. It is a versatile tool for developers to understand and navigate through the various functionalities of the API.


wget --no-check-certificate --quiet \
--method POST \
--timeout=0 \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'X-CoinAPI-Key: 73034021-THIS-IS-SAMPLE-KEY' \
--body-data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"help","params": [ ]}' \

Request Parameters

  • command_name (string, optional): The name of the command to get help on. If omitted, the API will return a list of all available commands. The default value is "all commands".


"result": "string",
"error": null,
"id": 1

The response will contain a list of all commands or detailed information about the specified command. The exact structure of the response may vary depending on the command queried.