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The 'eth_getBlockReceipts' method retrieves all transaction receipts for a specified block in the Ethereum blockchain. Transaction receipts provide details about the transaction's execution status, making them invaluable for tracking the status of transfers or contract execution on the blockchain.


"method": "eth_getBlockReceipts",
"params": ["blockIdentifier"],
"id": 1,
"jsonrpc": "2.0"

Request Parameters

  • blockIdentifier: An integer of a block encoded as hexadecimal or a string with options like:
  • latest: The most recent block.
  • safe: A block that received justification from the beacon chain.
  • finalized: A block accepted as canonical by the majority of validators.
  • earliest: The genesis block.
  • pending: The current state of transactions not yet included in a block.


"id": 1,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": [
"blockHash": "blockHashValue",
"blockNumber": "blockNumberValue",
"transactionHash": "transactionHashValue",