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The 'trace_filter' method allows users to retrieve internal Ethereum transaction traces based on a set of filter conditions. This is particularly useful for developers and analysts who need to inspect the internal operations of Ethereum transactions.


"fromBlock": "0x1",
"toBlock": "0x2",
"fromAddress": ["0x..."],
"toAddress": ["0x..."],
"after": 1,
"count": 10

Request Parameters

  • fromBlock (string): The starting block number.
  • toBlock (string): The ending block number.
  • fromAddress (array of strings): Addresses that the transactions are sent from.
  • toAddress (array of strings): Addresses that the transactions are sent to.
  • after (integer): The offset number.
  • count (integer): The maximum number of results to return.


"type": "call",
"action": {
"from": "0x...",
"to": "0x...",
"value": "0x...",
"gas": "0x...",
"input": "0x...",
"callType": "call"
"result": {
"gasUsed": "0x...",
"output": "0x..."
"traceAddress": ["0x..."],
"subtraces": 0,
"transactionHash": "0x...",
"transactionPosition": 0,
"blockNumber": "0x...",
"blockHash": "0x..."


  • Invalid Request: This error is returned if the request format is incorrect.
  • Internal Error: This error is returned if there's a server-side issue processing the request.

Rate Limits

Please note that there are rate limits applied to the API to ensure fair usage. Free-tier users are limited to 100 requests per day, while premium users can make up to 1000 or more requests per day.


If you encounter any issues or have further questions regarding the eth_getBlockByHash method, please contact our support team at [email protected].