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Complaints Procedure

CoinAPI takes all stakeholder concerns seriously. Our complaints procedure is designed to ensure fair and timely resolution of issues:

  1. Submission: Complaints should be submitted to our support team (see Contact Information), detailing the nature of the complaint and any supporting evidence.

  2. Acknowledgment: All complaints will be acknowledged within two business days of receipt.

  3. Investigation: Complaints will be investigated by personnel not directly involved in the subject matter of the complaint.

  4. Resolution Timeline: We aim to resolve all complaints within 20 business days. If more time is required, the complainant will be informed of the revised timeline and reason for the extension.

  5. Escalation: If the complainant is unsatisfied with the resolution, they may request escalation to the Index Oversight Committee for review.

  6. Regulatory Reporting: Complaints that may have material impact on the integrity of the indexes will be reported to relevant regulatory authorities as required.

  7. Record Keeping: All complaints and their resolutions will be documented and retained for a minimum of five years.