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Import data to Google Sheets/Excel


There are various methods to access market data, including utilizing programming languages or tools that enable REST API requests.

In this guide, we will specifically concentrate on extracting data in CSV (comma-separated-values) format using a simple approach that involves accessing data directly through a web browser.

CSV is widely used due to its simplicity and compatibility with various spreadsheet applications like Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets.

Getting started

Before diving into the tutorial, ensure you have:

  • Web browser installed: google chrome, firefox, microsoft edge, or any other
  • A CoinAPI key (obtainable by signing up on the CoinAPI website)
  • A spreadsheet application like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets

Retrieve BTC Exchange Rates in .csv format via web browser

It is possible to control the format of data by using output_format variable in query string parameters.
To get BTC exchange rates in csv format, copy and paste the below URL to the address bar of your web browser:

Address bar with exchange rate formatted to csv

Note: Don't forget to replace YOUR-API-KEY with your actual API key.

Simple then press ctrl+a or command+a to select exchange rates,
then press ctrl + c to copy data.

Exchange rate data selected

After obtaining the data, you can seamlessly paste it directly into any text editor.

BTC exchange rates in notepad

Then, select the Save As option, and don't forget to include the .csv file extension.

BTC exchange rates copied over notepad

CSV import: Microsoft Excel

To import the .csv file into the MS Excel application, navigate to the Data tab, and choose the From Text/CSV option.

Import from Text/CSV in Excel

Select your .csv file which includes BTC exchange rate data in csv format.

Import from Text/CSV in Excel

Verify the output of import in the preview window.

Import Text/CSV preview window

With these simple steps, you can now efficiently work with and analyze the market data in a familiar spreadsheet environment, empowering you to make informed decisions based on the exchange rate information.

CSV import: Google Sheets

To import the .csv file into the Google Sheets application, navigate to the File menu.

Google Sheets default window

Within that menu, select the Import option.

Google Sheets default window

Upload your .csv file which includes BTC exchange rate data.

Google Sheets default window

Make sure to set the correct Import location and Separator type, then press Import data.

Google Sheets default window

Here's the final result:

Google Sheets default window

With these simple steps, you can now efficiently work with and analyze the market data in a familiar spreadsheet environment, empowering you to make informed decisions based on the exchange rate information.


We have explored a simple approach to accessing market data in CSV format directly through a web browser.
By utilizing this method, you can easily extract the data you need for analysis and integrate it with various spreadsheet applications like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets.

While the simple approach through a web browser provides easy access to market data in CSV format, there is cryptotick specialized platform that offers a wide range of market data types in the csv format, including quotes, trades, limit order book, OHLCV, and others.

Happy data exploration!