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Listing of all supported metrics for symbol

GET /v1/metrics/symbol/listing

Get data metrics for symbol.

Query Parameters
  • metric_id string

    Metric identifier (from the Metrics -> Listing)

  • exchange_id string

    Exchange identifier (from the Metadata -> Exchanges)

  • symbol_id string

    Symbol identifier (from the Metadata -> Symbols)


successful operation

  • Array [
  • metric_id string nullable

    Gets or sets the metric ID.

  • symbol_id string nullable

    Gets or sets the symbol ID.

  • symbol_id_external string nullable

    Gets or sets the symbol ID from the exchange.

  • exchange_id string nullable

    Gets or sets the exchange ID.

  • asset_id string nullable

    Gets or sets the asset ID.

  • asset_id_external string nullable

    Gets or sets the asset ID from the exchange.

  • chain_id string nullable

    Gets or sets the chain id.

  • network_id string nullable

    Gets or sets the network id.

  • ]